Leadership Teacher
"; } $sql = " select lesson_plans.*, users.email as emailaddress, groups.name as groupname, groups.year as groupyear, districts.district as districtname, districts.state as districtstate from lesson_plans left join users on users.id = lesson_plans.added_by left join groups on groups.id = lesson_plans.affiliate_group left join districts on districts.id = lesson_plans.district where lesson_plans.approval = '1' and lesson_plans.id = '$id'"; $result = db_exec_sql($sql,"webdb"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){ // As long as there's at least one matching record... while ($items = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { // Show the record details $content .= ' '.$items->title.'

'; if (!$printerfriendly){$content .= '[Click for printable version]

';} // Content if($items->emailaddress){$content .= '

Submitted By: '.nl2br($items->emailaddress).'

';} if($items->groupname){$content .= '

Affiliate Group: '.nl2br($items->groupname).', '.$items->groupyear.'

';} if($items->districtname){$content .= '

School District: '.nl2br($items->districtname) . ', ' . $items->districtstate . '

';} if($items->grade_level){$content .= '

Grade Level: '.nl2br($items->grade_level).'

';} if($items->audience){$content .= '

Intended Audience: '.nl2br($items->audience).'

';} if($items->standards_addressed){$content .= '

Standards Addressed:

';} if($items->curricular_connection){$content .= '

Curricular Connection:

';} if($items->industry){$content .= '


';} if($items->objectives){$content .= '


';} if($items->context){$content .= '


';} if($items->schedule){$content .= '


';} if($items->vocabulary){$content .= '


';} if($items->preparation){$content .= '


';} if($items->background_info){$content .= '

Background Information:

';} if($items->teaching_suggestions){$content .= '

Teaching Suggestions:

';} if($items->discussion_questions){$content .= '

Discussion Questions:

';} if($items->reinforcing_activities){$content .= '

Reinforcing Activities:

';} // Links for($x = 1; $x <= 3; $x++){ if($items->{"linkdesc".$x} && $items->{"linkaddr".$x}){ if (!strstr($items->{"linkaddr".$x},"http://")){ $items->{"linkaddr".$x} = "http://" . $items->{"linkaddr".$x}; } $links .= ''.$items->{"linkdesc".$x}.'
'; } } if($links){$content .= '

Related Link(s):

';} // Files for($x = 1; $x <= 3; $x++){ if( $items->{"file".$x} && file_exists($CFG->uploadpath."/".$items->{"file".$x}) ){ $files .= ''.$items->{"file".$x}.'
'; } } if($files){$content .= '

Related File(s):

';} } echo $content; // If no records are found, we let 'em know } else { echo "No records found..."; } if (!$printerfriendly) {echo '


';} } else { // No ID value was passed, so we show the default version of the page ?> Library - Lesson Plan Library

Here is a sampling of articles from our database:

" . $list->title . "

"; } } else {echo "No lesson plans found";} } ?>