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"Leadership Teacher was ahead of the curve in developing strategies to connect schools to the 'Real World' before the State Board of Education and, as a result, is beautifully positioned to help schools transition to 'Real World' teaching and learning…the professional development provided through Leadership Teacher is in harmony with the recently enacted changes (July 1, 2005) to the New Hampshire public school approval rules (Minimum Standards for Public Schools Approval)."
"Leadership Teacher is exactly the kind of focused, real-world professional learning that our educators need. It combines visits to established companies, reflection on practice, and the opportunity to connect with other educators. All of this results in improved skills and knowledge to help our students succeed in school and in their lives after graduation."
Who We Are
Teacher is a national, non-profit, 501 (C) 3 educational organization. Founded
in 2001, Leadership Teacher offers educators a cutting-edge, real-world approach
to professional development by creating opportunities for schools to network
and build partnerships with business and industry.
Leadership Teacher is led by a board of directors from academia and industry. Located in Bow, New Hampshire, Leadership Teacher coordinates affiliate Leadership Teacher programs in partnership with local Chambers of Commerce and other interested organizations. Leadership Teacher works closely with each affiliate program to maintain high quality standards and program consistency.
Through research, session day evaluations, year-end surveys, and long-term program evaluations, Leadership Teacher continuously upgrades and improves its professional development programs.
What We Do
Leadership Teacher offers K-12 educators yearlong professional development educational programs, allowing participants to explore ways to integrate real-world information and resources into activities they can take back to their classrooms, schools, or school districts.
The bridges Leadership Teacher builds among teacher participants and business presenters ultimately translate into greater student appreciation about how their classroom work is relevant to their lives and spark their interest in the myriad career paths that exist in an ever-changing world.
Our Mission
The Leadership Teacher program fosters an open exchange of ideas, issues, and best practices among K-12 educators in public and private schools and business leaders, providing teacher participants and business presenters with a unique opportunity for networking, establishing business-to-education partnerships, and identifying real-world applications and concepts to enrich existing curriculum.
Our Goals
Leadership Teacher's innovative leadership programs for K-12 educators address the recurring student question: "How is this subject relevant to my life?" The four major goals of Leadership Teacher programs are to:
Long Term Goals
The long-term organizational goals of Leadership Teacher include: